February 6, 2024
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Danielle Contreras
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February 6, 2024
5 minutes
Written by
Danielle Contreras
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Ear Cleaning Do’s and Don’ts for Better Hearing Health

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the significance of ear care in maintaining optimal hearing health. Clean ears not only contribute to better hearing, but also play a crucial role in preventing potential issues down the road. In this article, we delve into the do's and don'ts of ear cleaning, emphasizing the importance of safe practices. How you choose to care for your ears today can significantly impact your future hearing health. We'll explore effective ways to safely remove earwax at home while highlighting practices to avoid, ensuring you steer clear of potential complications that may compromise your ears' well-being.

Don’t use cotton swabs to remove ear wax

Despite being a common practice, using cotton swabs to clean inside the ear canal is not recommended by healthcare professionals. The ear is a delicate and self-regulating organ that has its own cleaning mechanism. Inserting cotton swabs into the ear canal poses several risks, including pushing earwax deeper, leading to wax impaction. This can result in hearing loss, tinnitus, or even vertigo. Moreover, the swab can cause abrasions to the ear canal, making it susceptible to infections. In extreme cases, the eardrum may be damaged, leading to permanent hearing impairment. It's crucial to recognize that earwax naturally migrates from the ear canal to the opening, where it can be safely wiped away. Engaging in this instinctive process is a safer approach to ear care than inserting cotton swabs, which can inadvertently cause more harm than good.

Don’t use trendy at-home ear cleaning gadgets

a red circle with a line through it is over a picture of an at-home ear cleaning tool that has a camer to view the inside of the ear and shows the camera's view displayed on a phone

While the allure of at-home ear cleaning gadgets, such as otoscopes with cameras, may be tempting, it's essential to approach them with caution. These devices, designed for personal use, often lack the precision and expertise of professional ear care. Attempting to pick out earwax at home can lead to unintended consequences. The delicate structures of the ear canal can be easily damaged, and the risk of pushing wax deeper into the canal increases. Additionally, without proper training, users may misinterpret what they see on the camera, potentially causing unnecessary concern or panic. Relying on at-home ear cleaning gadgets can also lead to a false sense of security, as individuals may miss underlying issues that require professional attention. For the sake of your hearing health, it's advisable to seek guidance from a qualified healthcare professional rather than relying on these gadgets for intricate ear care.

Don’t use ear candles

a woman with dark hair and medium skin lies on her side with her right ear up while someone performs ear candling

Despite their popularity in certain alternative health circles, using ear candles for ear cleaning is strongly discouraged due to both their ineffectiveness and potential dangers. Ear candles claim to create a vacuum that draws out earwax, but in reality, there is no scientific evidence supporting their efficacy. Moreover, the use of ear candles poses serious risks, including burns, wax drips, and perforation of the eardrum. The melting wax from the candle can easily drip into the ear canal, causing harm and introducing a fire hazard. Attempting to self-administer ear candle treatments can result in injuries and may exacerbate earwax impaction rather than alleviating it. For a safe and effective approach to ear cleaning, it's advisable to consult with healthcare professionals who can provide evidence-based solutions tailored to individual needs, steering clear of the potential hazards associated with ear candles.

Do use hydrogen peroxide

When used carefully, hydrogen peroxide can be a safe and effective option for at-home ear cleaning. To utilize hydrogen peroxide for ear cleaning, mix equal parts of water and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Using a dropper, instill a few drops of the solution into the ear while keeping the head tilted to let the mixture reach the ear canal. Allow it to sit for a few minutes, and then tilt your head to drain the solution out. The effervescence of hydrogen peroxide helps break down earwax, making it easier to remove. It's crucial to use the diluted solution and avoid introducing undiluted hydrogen peroxide into the ear, as this can cause irritation. Also, consult with a healthcare professional before attempting at-home remedies, especially if you have pre-existing ear conditions. By following these guidelines, individuals can safely incorporate hydrogen peroxide into their ear care routine for effective wax management and better hearing health.

Do use ear wax softening drops

image shows a suction and ear wax softening drops on the left and the right shows a woman's hand as she uses oth products on her ear

For those seeking a safe and effective method for ear cleaning, over-the-counter ear wax softening drops, such as Debrox, can be a valuable ally in maintaining optimal hearing health. These drops work by breaking down the consistency of earwax, making it easier to naturally drain from the ear canal. To use, simply follow the instructions provided on the product packaging. Typically, a few drops are placed in the ear, allowing the solution to penetrate and soften the wax. After a short period, tilting the head to the side helps the softened wax to drain out naturally. This method is gentle, minimizing the risk of pushing wax deeper into the ear. However, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before use, especially if there are pre-existing ear conditions or concerns. When used correctly, over-the-counter ear wax softening drops can offer a safe and efficient solution to address wax build-up and promote better hearing health.

Use a damp washcloth

For a simple and safe approach to ear cleaning, a damp washcloth can be a gentle ally in maintaining optimal hearing health. Begin by moistening the washcloth with lukewarm water, ensuring it is not too hot to avoid discomfort or injury. Gently wipe the outer ear and the area around the ear canal, being cautious not to insert the cloth into the ear canal itself. This method helps remove excess wax that may have migrated to the ear's outer regions. It's important to refrain from inserting anything into the ear canal, as this can push wax deeper and risk damage to the delicate structures inside. By using a damp washcloth to clean the external parts of the ear, individuals can promote cleanliness without compromising their hearing well-being. As always, if there are concerns about earwax or hearing issues, consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable for personalized guidance.

Do visit your hearing healthcare provider for professional cleanings

For a comprehensive and expert approach to ear care, there's no substitute for the guidance of an audiologist or hearing healthcare professional. Scheduling regular visits for professional cleaning and wax removal ensures that your auditory health is in capable hands. These professionals possess the knowledge and tools to safely and effectively address any earwax concerns, minimizing the risk of complications such as impaction or damage to the ear canal. Beyond wax removal, audiologists can conduct thorough assessments of your hearing, identifying any potential issues early on. Professional cleanings not only promote optimal hearing health but also provide an opportunity to discuss any concerns or changes in your auditory experience. By entrusting your ear care to qualified professionals, you are taking a proactive step toward preserving your hearing and addressing any issues with the expertise they deserve. Schedule that appointment with your audiologist today to ensure a sound and healthy auditory future.


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