December 20, 2023
5 min read
Written by
Danielle Contreras
Community News
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December 20, 2023
5 min read
Written by
Danielle Contreras
Community News
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10 Accessibility Tips for Holiday Gatherings

Welcome to the season of joy and celebration! As we gather with loved ones to revel in the warmth of holiday festivities, it's crucial to embrace the spirit of inclusivity. The spirit of the holidays lies in unity and togetherness. Making holiday gatherings accessible for everyone is not just a thoughtful gesture; it's a commitment to fostering a sense of belonging and ensuring that every member of our community can partake in the merriment. This year, let's prioritize the needs of those with different abilities, making our celebrations not only joyous but also accessible to all.

In this blog, we're excited to share 10 invaluable tips that go beyond the usual considerations, specifically focusing on making this holiday season more accessible for individuals with hearing loss and more. From simple adjustments to thoughtful gestures, these tips aim to create an environment where everyone can participate fully in the joy and togetherness that the holidays bring. Let's make this season a time of shared happiness, understanding, and inclusion for all.

1. Opt for accessible wrapping, like the rip cord method

When it comes to spreading holiday cheer, the joy of unwrapping gifts is a cherished tradition. To enhance the accessibility of this delightful experience, consider adopting the rip-cord method when wrapping your presents. This ingenious technique involves incorporating a ribbon or cord into the wrapping design, allowing for easy unraveling with a simple pull. The beauty of the rip cord method lies in its universality—it not only adds a touch of creativity to your gift presentation but also makes the unwrapping process significantly more accessible, especially for individuals with limited grip strength. By opting for this thoughtful approach, you're not just adorning your presents with festive flair; you're also ensuring that everyone, regardless of physical abilities, can revel in the excitement of opening their holiday surprises with ease and delight.

2. Provide a designated quiet area

In the hustle and bustle of holiday gatherings, creating an inclusive environment means considering the diverse needs of all your guests. One essential tip for fostering accessibility during these festive occasions is to designate a quiet area. This haven serves a dual purpose, providing a retreat not only for guests who are hard of hearing and may need a break from the auditory stimulation but also offering a refuge for those experiencing sensory overload. For individuals with hearing difficulties, the constant effort to decipher conversations can lead to listening fatigue. A quiet area provides them with a peaceful space to recharge and fully enjoy the festivities. Simultaneously, this haven becomes a sanctuary for guests with sensory sensitivities, allowing them to escape the sensory barrage and find solace in a serene setting. By incorporating a designated quiet area into your holiday gathering, you're not only accommodating diverse needs but also fostering an atmosphere of understanding and consideration for the well-being of all attendees.

3. Keep food within reachable range and label dishes

Ensuring that holiday gatherings are truly inclusive involves thoughtful considerations for guests with diverse needs. One key accessibility tip is to arrange food in a way that accommodates individuals with mobility issues. Placing dishes within reachable ranges, particularly for those who may use mobility aids, ensures that everyone can partake in the joy of the feast without encountering physical barriers. Additionally, for guests with hearing loss, consider labeling dishes with clear, easy-to-read signs. This not only assists those who may miss verbal announcements about the menu but also adds a layer of convenience for all attendees. By implementing these small yet impactful adjustments, you're not just enhancing accessibility; you're fostering an environment where everyone can fully enjoy the holiday gathering, savoring the flavors and connections that make these celebrations truly special.

4. Turn down the volume on movies or holiday music and turn on the captions

Creating an inclusive and enjoyable holiday gathering involves attention to the details, including the audio experience. To enhance accessibility for guests who are hard of hearing, consider keeping the volume of movies or music at a moderate level. Lowering the audio volume ensures that conversations remain audible and allows individuals with hearing difficulties to engage more comfortably in social interactions. Additionally, turning on captions for movies or lyrics for music provides an extra layer of accessibility, offering a visual aid to complement the auditory experience. This thoughtful adjustment not only caters to the needs of those with hearing impairments but also enriches the overall atmosphere, allowing everyone to partake in the festive entertainment without any barriers. By making these small changes, you're not just setting the stage for a joyous celebration; you're creating an inclusive space where every guest can fully immerse themselves in the holiday spirit.

5. Check in with our guests to see what other supports they may need

As we strive to make holiday gatherings truly inclusive, an essential step is to prioritize individual needs by proactively checking in with guests about their communication preferences. Taking the time to ask how each person prefers to communicate not only shows thoughtfulness but also ensures that everyone can engage comfortably in the festivities. Whether it's inquiring about preferred methods of communication for those who are hard of hearing or understanding if someone requires additional support, this simple gesture lays the foundation for a more inclusive and enjoyable celebration. Additionally, by asking guests if there are any specific resources or accommodations they might need, you're demonstrating a commitment to creating a welcoming environment for all. This proactive approach not only fosters a sense of consideration but also empowers guests to express their needs, ultimately contributing to a holiday gathering where everyone feels valued and included.

6. Keep Areas Well Lit

In the spirit of fostering inclusivity during holiday gatherings, one crucial yet often overlooked aspect is the lighting of the space. A well-lit environment not only adds to the festive ambiance but also plays a vital role in accessibility. For guests who rely on lipreading as a means of communication, adequate lighting becomes paramount. Illuminating gathering areas ensures that facial expressions and lip movements are clearly visible, facilitating smoother and more effective communication for those who may be hard of hearing. Moreover, well-lit spaces contribute to the overall safety and comfort of all attendees, allowing everyone to navigate the venue confidently. By intentionally keeping areas well lit, you're not only brightening up the holiday atmosphere but also creating a welcoming space where every guest, regardless of their communication needs or mobility, can fully participate in the festive joy.

7. Choose an Accessible Location

Selecting an accessible location for holiday gatherings is a fundamental step in ensuring that the spirit of celebration is truly inclusive.

The significance of this choice extends beyond mere convenience; it is a commitment to welcoming every guest, regardless of their mobility challenges. Opting for venues with wheelchair ramps, elevators, and spacious layouts not only facilitates smooth navigation for those with physical disabilities but also sends a powerful message of consideration and hospitality. Moreover, an accessible location benefits all attendees, creating an environment where everyone can participate fully in the festivities without encountering unnecessary obstacles. By prioritizing accessibility in the choice of venue, you're not just selecting a place for celebration; you're laying the foundation for a holiday gathering that embraces the diversity of all your guests, fostering an atmosphere of inclusivity and warmth.

8. Take Turns to Speak  

In the midst of holiday conversations, the simple act of taking turns to speak can harmonize the experience for everyone, particularly those with hearing loss. At the heart of festive gatherings, the dinner table is a hub of joy and connection. By encouraging a practice of taking turns to speak, you not only create a more considerate and engaging atmosphere but also significantly enhance accessibility for guests with hearing difficulties. This mindful approach allows everyone to follow and participate in conversations, minimizing the challenges faced by those who may rely on lipreading or need a bit more time to process auditory information. In weaving the fabric of festive dialogue, the rhythm of taking turns becomes an inclusive melody that resonates throughout the gathering, ensuring that every guest can contribute to and savor the rich tapestry of holiday connections.

9. Make the Most of Technology

Embracing technology is a powerful and transformative approach to ensuring the inclusivity of holiday gatherings. In the realm of communication, incorporating tech-savvy solutions can make a significant impact.

For in-person conversations, utilizing captioning services can be a game-changer, offering real-time text displays that benefit individuals with hearing loss. This not only enhances comprehension but also enables seamless participation in group discussions. Additionally, when it comes to phone conversations, leveraging innovative tools like the InnoCaption app proves invaluable. This app provides live captions during phone calls, enabling those with hearing impairments to engage in conversations with clarity. By integrating these technological advancements into the fabric of your holiday festivities, you're not just embracing the present but also cultivating an environment that prioritizes accessibility. It's a celebration where everyone, regardless of their hearing abilities, can connect, communicate, and share in the joy of the season.

Embracing technology is a powerful and transformative approach to ensuring the inclusivity of holiday gatherings. In the realm of communication, incorporating tech-savvy solutions can make a significant impact. For in-person conversations, utilizing captioning services can be a game-changer, offering real-time text displays that benefit individuals with hearing loss. This not only enhances comprehension but also enables seamless participation in group discussions. Additionally, when it comes to phone conversations, leveraging innovative tools like the InnoCaption app proves invaluable. This app provides live captions during phone calls, enabling those with hearing impairments to engage in conversations with clarity. By integrating these technological advancements into the fabric of your holiday festivities, you're not just embracing the present but also cultivating an environment that prioritizes accessibility. It's a celebration where everyone, regardless of their hearing abilities, can connect, communicate, and share in the joy of the season.

The integration of technological solutions not only bridges communication gaps but also enriches the overall festive experience. Audiologist Sabrina Lee, in her insightful article for the Hearing Health Foundation, underscores the importance of using assistive devices and apps. Lee suggests employing smartphone apps designed to amplify sound or provide real-time captions, making conversations more accessible for those with hearing impairments. Embracing these technological advancements not only aligns with the spirit of the season but also underscores a commitment to ensuring that every guest can fully engage in the joyous moments of the holidays. By incorporating these tips, we not only make strides toward inclusivity but also create a space where technology becomes a catalyst for shared connections and festive memories.

10. Offer a Remote Option for Those Who Can’t Celebrate In-Person

As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of holiday celebrations, recognizing the diverse circumstances that may impact attendance is crucial for fostering inclusivity. An indispensable accessibility tip is to extend a virtual invitation by offering remote options for guests unable to attend festivities in person. Platforms like Zoom, Skype, Google Meets, and various video calling tools become invaluable in connecting loved ones across distances. By providing this virtual avenue, you not only embrace the challenges that may prevent in-person attendance but also create a bridge that transcends physical limitations. This thoughtful gesture ensures that everyone, regardless of location or circumstances, can still partake in the joy of the season. Whether it's sharing heartfelt moments, engaging in festive activities, or simply enjoying the camaraderie, the virtual option becomes a beacon of inclusivity, fostering connections that make holiday celebrations truly special.


Make calls with confidence

InnoCaption provides real-time captioning technology making phone calls easy and accessible for the deaf and hard of hearing community. Offered at no cost to individuals with hearing loss because we are certified by the FCC. InnoCaption is the only mobile app that offers real-time captioning of phone calls through live stenographers and automated speech recognition software. The choice is yours.

Llame con confianza

InnoCaption proporciona tecnología de subtitulado en tiempo real que hace que las llamadas telefónicas sean fáciles y accesibles para la comunidad de personas sordas y con problemas de audición. Se ofrece sin coste alguno para las personas con pérdida auditiva porque estamos certificados por la FCC. InnoCaption es la única aplicación móvil que ofrece subtitulación en tiempo real de llamadas telefónicas mediante taquígrafos en directo y software de reconocimiento automático del habla. Usted elige.